"He shaped for them a mouth and tongue, eyes and ears, and gave them a heart to think with". Ecclesiasticus 17:1-13
He shaped for them a mouth and tongue, eyes and ears, and gave them a heart to think with". Ecclesiasticus 17:1-13

How often do we trust our heart over our head to determine what is right for us in life?
Light in our Hearts
“He put His own light in their hearts to show them the magnificence of his works” #Ecclesiasticus17
Thinking with the Heart
In the empirical world we live in, it is not an automatic association to link thinking with the heart. The world is devoted to the concept of mind and using our analytic brain capabilities to find truth. Yet today we are reminded that first and foremost God places emphasis on the heart as our primary organ for discerning our path in this world.
Yet thinking with the heart is more than taking an inventory of our feelings, fears, neuroses and compulsions. It requires a right alignment of the heart with God's calling and invitation to us. To align our heart means making internal space available to God so that He can come and reside with us, blessing our thoughts, inclinations and resultant actions. Thinking with the heart requires us to soften, to be vulnerable, to be open to increased depth of feeling, including both pain and joy. Thinking with the heart requires courage and Faith.
Today, let us pray for the grace of discernment in our lives, inviting the Lord to enter more fully into our hearts, occupying the quiet and dark spaces of our heart so that He may heal and encourage us as we move along life's journey. Today, let us spend some time with the Jesus so that He can be the change in us. #thinkingwiththeheart, #timewithjesus